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By bike between Tanaro and Scrivia

Within Castelnuovo Scrivia Nature Reserve

By bike         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Wildlife Great Interest: Panorama 
  • Departure: Oasi naturalistica di Isola Sant'Antonio
  • Arrival: Oasi naturalistica di Isola Sant'Antonio
  • Length: 26 km

Departure and arrival: Isola Sant'Antonio nature oasis. The oasis can only be accessed and visited upon prior booking (Info:
SP 88 - Scrivia bridge - Castelnuovo Scrivia - nature reserve - Castelnuovo Scrivia - Church of Madonna delle Grazie - Alzano Scrivia - Molino dei Torti - Scrivia bridge - Po bank

The recommended point of departure is the entrance of Isola Sant’Antonio nature oasis; from there, go along the Po bank towards the confluence with the Scrivia. Then change direction and go south along the left bank of the stream that descends from the Apennine. When you leave the stream bank, go west across vegetable fields to the intersection with Province Road 88.

Turn left on Province Road 88 and follow it for about one kilometre, to the intersection with Province Road 85 Castelnuovo Scriva-Sale. Cross the road and turn left towards the bridge (keep carefully to the right on the bridge, as the traffic may be heavy). After a roundabout turn right to the Scrivia banks, and follow the signs to the nature reserve.

Gerbidi Scrivia
Gerbidi Scrivia
(photo by: Paola Palazzolo)
(photo by: Archivio Ente di gestione delle Aree Protette del Po piemontese)
Storks in Castelnuovo Scrivia
Storks in Castelnuovo Scrivia
(photo by: Bruno De Faveri)
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