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Itinerary K - Km 12.7 - From the River Po to Reggia di Venaria

By bike         Great Interest: Hystory Great Interest: Photography 

    Together with itineraries J, H, and B, this itinerary gives the opportunity to carry out by bike a complete ring-route around the town of Turin, touching almost all the residences of the House of Savoy ("Corona di Delizie", the Crown of Delights), including the residences situated in the town of Turin.
    The itinerary crosses the northern section of the town, connecting the river Po and the hills (quartiere Sassi) with Venaria, where you will see the famous royal palace and the vast La Mandria Park. Although it crosses the town, the itinerary mainly develops on reserved cycle facilities, half of which runs along the banks of Dora Riparia, one of the four rivers of Turin.

    Venaria Palace
    Venaria Palace
    (photo by: Andrea Miola)

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