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Itinerary Q - Km 0.7 - Industria Archaeological Site

By bike         Great Interest: Archeology Great Interest: Hystory 

    This very short itinerary leads to the area of the archaeological excavations of the ancient Roman settlement of Industria, situated in a strategic position along the right bank of the river Po, almost at the confluence with Dora Baltea. The town was founded between the end of the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD. The importance of Industria is given to its function of trading center along the river Po and, from the second half of the 1st century AD, to the sanctuary dedicated to the oriental gods Isis and Serapis.
    The town plan, dating back to the Augustus period, is quadrangular with orthogonal roads. What we can see today is only the tenth part of what should have been the total extension of the town. The identification of the site with the Roman town mentioned by Pliny the Elder dates back to the 18th century.

    Industria archaeological area
    Industria archaeological area
    (photo by: Andrea Miola)

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    • Municipalities crossed: Monteu da Po.
    • Roadbed: plain, asphalt.
    • Places of interest Monteu da Po: archaeological ruins of the town of Industria.

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