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Itinerary S - Km 15 - Castagneto Po, Bosco del Vaj, and S. Sebastiano Da Po

By bike         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Wildlife Great Interest: Geology Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Religion Great Interest: Hystory Great Interest: Photography 
  • Difference in height: 272m

Exclusively developing in the hills, this itinerary gives the opportunity to discover the towns and the large woods of Castagneto Po and San Sebastiano Da Po.
The territory is scattered with interesting places: from the castle that belonged in the past to Carla Bruni's family to S. Genesio Church with the Royal Fountain and its sulphurous waters, to the Castle of S. Sebastiano Villa. Besides the castles, still populated today, the area is interesting for its landscape, offering beautiful views over the hills and the plain, and for its large woods, including Bosco del Vaj.
This itinerary, with 272m of difference in height and a medium slope of about 8%, is recommended to well-trained cyclists.

Itinerary S - Km 15 - Castagneto Po, Bosco del Vaj, and S. Sebastiano Da Po
Itinerary S - Km 15 - Castagneto Po, Bosco del Vaj, and S. Sebastiano Da Po

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  • Municipalities crossed: Chivasso, Castagneto Po, San Sebastiano da Po.
  • Roadbed: hills, dirt and asphalt road. Max slope 10%
  • Places of interest Castagneto Po: Castle, San Genesio and Regio Fonte Church; San Sebastiano da Po: Castle of the Villa, SS. Cassiano and Sebastiano parish church.
  • Nature Reserves and Parks Bosco del Vaj.

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