a) Morphological features
Type: it is a medium-size breed with tapered body, fleshy shoulders and hips, strong and well-curved back, medium-long legs and paws covered with thick fur. Slightly tapered head, V-shaped and strong ears with a maximum length of 14 cm, brown eye.
Fur: thick and soft, medium-length and gray.
Weight: the weight of adult males goes from 3.5 to 5.5 kilos; the weight of adult females goes from 3 to 4.5 kilos.
b) Productive features
The rabbits have a growth of 27-30 g/day and reach 1.6 kilo at 60 days of age and 2.6 kilos at 90 days; according to the needs of the consumers, they can be butchered between the 2nd and 3rd month of age.
c) Reproduction features
The reproduction parameters - exclusively assessed on a sample of rabbits bred in Carmagnola Breeding Center - are considered average, since fertility is 80%, alive new-born rabbits per delivery 7.5, and weaning per delivery 5-6. The neonatal mortality is still high (Zoccarato, 1986).
- Production Area: Almost entirely disappeared, only a few pure specimens can be found; the activities for the recovery of this breed are carried out in the Breeding Center of the Zootechnics Department - Faculty of Agriculture of Turin. Characteristic breed of Carmagnolese area.
- Legislative Protection: Carmagnola Gray Rabbit is classified among the "Traditional Agri-foodstuffs of Regione Piemonte", according to art. 8 of the Legislative Decree 30th April 1998, n. 173 and the Annex to the Decisions of the Regional Council 15th April 2002 n. 46-5823.
Pagano Toscano G., Benatti G., Zoccarato I., Contributo alla conservazione di una popolazione locale di conigli grigi, Coniglicoltura, 1983, 11, 51-54.
Zoccarato I., Pagano toscano G., Benati G., Una razza di conigli Grigi da conservare: valore zootecnico e possibilità di miglioramento, Coniglicoltura, 1986; 2, 41-43.
Pagano Toscano G., Zoccarato., BenattiG., Lazzaroni C., Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione dei una popolazione locale di conigli, Ann. Acc. Di Agricoltura di Torino, 1991, 133, 85-89.
Lazzaroni C., Leveroni Calvi S., Valutazione del seme del coniglio Grigio di Carmagnola: primi risultati, Comunicazione 7° Convegno Unità di Ricerca Coordinata CNR "Allevamento Piccole Specie", Cesena, 29th-30th March 1995.
Lazzaroni Cl, Pagano Toscano G., Il mantello nel coniglio Grigio di Carmagnola: risultati di una selezione fenotipica, Rivista di coniglicoltura, 1998, 1, 33-35.
For further information, please visit the web site:
Carmagnola Gray Rabbit
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
Carmagnola Gray Rabbit
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
Carmagnola Gray Rabbits
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
Carmagnola Gray Rabbits
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)