Itineraries on Foot
Po and Collina Torinese Park and its tourist area "Collina Po" offer several itineraries on foot, from the riparian areas of the plain, with wild oxbows, plain woods, cultivated fields or urban parks, up to more demanding itineraries developing among the woods of the hills.
In these pages, you will find 19 hiking proposals and 2 proposals for a trekking lasting more days.
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»Trekking lasting more days
Hiking itinerary
Duration: 2 h
A strip of protected nature along the Scrivia's right banks
Duration: 4 h
Hiking itinerary
Duration: 4 h
From Bric del Po to the hills of Asti Monferrato
Theme of the trail: coppice chestnut grove with English oak, hornbeam, and maple
Duration: 1 h
Theme of the trail: panoramic view and interesting flora
Duration: 3 h
Theme of the trail: clearing with rosemary
Duration: 2 h
Trekking lasting more days
Hiking itinerary
Duration: 2 h
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