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Beria Grande path

Hiking itinerary

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Religion Great Interest: Hystory Great Interest: Photography 
  • Departure: località Sassi (Torino) (225m)
  • Arrival: località Superga (Torino) (670m)
  • Duration: 2.15h
  • Length: 5,7 km (outward)
  • Difference in height: 445m

The itinerary begins in Piazza Giovanni delle Bande Nere in Turin, and follows the Mongreno road, dotted with tiny old houses. To the left, at the bottom of Via Brighenti, the entrance to Villa Sassi is visible, adorned with statues; the XVII-century villa can be glimpsed at the bottom of the park. Shortly afterwards, turn left (across the stream) and take Strada del Cartman. The yellow building in front of view, visible beyond the viaduct, is "Il Capriglio", a XVII-century villa which probably belonged to king Vittorio Amedeo II but was put in the name of a courtier, Melina di Capriglio. The itinerary goes past Strada delle Traverse, the pre-Napoleonic route to Superga, and follows Strada del Cartman, a quiet and shaded road along the stream.

Beria Grande path
Beria Grande path
(photo by: Enrico Castello)
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