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From Galleani to the Vaj Forest Nature Reserve

Hiking itinerary

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Wildlife Great Interest: Bird Watching Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Photography 
  • Departure: località Galleani di Castagneto Po
  • Arrival: località Galleani di Castagneto Po
  • Duration: 4 hour/s
  • Length: 10 km (to and back)
  • Difference in height: 400m

Pleasant climb starting at an altitude of about 190 m above sea level up to the Bric del Vaj, at 585 m a.s.l.
The whole itinerary is included within the Municipality of Castagneto Po, among forests, grassy ridges and wonderful views of the hills, plains and alps.

From Cascina Galleani take the road alongside of the hydroelectric power station, than reach the water captation canal above the river Po. After some hairpin turns the road goes on climbing up to villa Fenoglio, where the small street turning right leads to the crossroads with a plain road in the meadows which one follows towards Villa Lupo. From Villa Lupo the road climbs up to the forest and comes out in the Cimenasco street, at the foot of the village of the same name. Cross the street to follow the ancient border road just behind the recently built detached houses. The itinerary, with some level stretches, leads to the municipal road to the Cascina Giaccona. Enter this road on the left and reach the provincial road 99 (Castagneto - S.Raffaele Cimena) near the St. Roch Church in Borgata Ossoli, at the foot of the built-up area of Castagneto Po. From here the Marca road leads to the provincial road 99 again, in the locality Mezzavilla, after 200 meters there is the fork in the road leading within the Vaj Forest Nature Reserve. Climbing along the road enter the forest and through a picnic area with drinkable water you can reach the Bric del Vaj (583 m, 45 minutes) characterized by a large stone cross. Here you will find a panel with the descriptions of the mountains and the urban centers of the plain, that help hikers enjoy the view of both the hills near Turin and the Alps. Following the ridge climb down on the comfortable and wonderful path reaching the locality of "L' Roc" (a big granite rock with a drinkable water spring sideways), turn left and walk the whole municipal dirt road crossing the Nature Reserve's northern side.
Along the itinerary, halfway, you can notice on the right side a wonderful beech tree, testimony of the ancient cold climate. At the end of the itinerary leave the forest, and after about 150 m it is possible to have a break in a second picnic area offering a remarkable view of the hills. Go on up to Cascina Rivera, go beyond it and turn left to reach Ossoli, where you will find the uphill itinerary again.

The itinerary covers asphalt as well as dirt roads.
From Galleani to the Vaj Forest Nature Reserve
From Galleani to the Vaj Forest Nature Reserve
(photo by: Fabrizio Nobili)
Cross on the summit of Bric del Vaj
Cross on the summit of Bric del Vaj
(photo by: Francesco Mastrosimone)
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