Carta e guida dei Sentieri della Collina Torinese n. 2 - 2nd edition
Descriptive guidebook of the trails in the Municipalities of Casalborgone, Castagneto
Po, Castiglione Torinese, Cinzano, Gassino, Rivalba, San Raffaele
Cimena, S.Sebastiano Po, Sciolze, and in the adjacent Municipalities of Baldissero Torinese, Berzano san Pietro, Albugnano, Moncucco Torinese,
Marentino, and Montaldo Torinese.
The annexed map in scale 1:15000 includes the various routes and paths, accommodation structures, points of interest, stops of the public means of transport.
In the guidebook, you will find the description of each trail completed with data on its length and walking time, difference in height (uphill and downhill), and the public means of transport reaching the departure point.
- Author/s: Coordinamento sentieri della Collina Torinese
- Publisher: Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette della Collina Torinese
- Pages: 144
- Size: 12x24cm
- Year: 2007
- Scale: 1:15.000
- Price: 10.00 €