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Intorno al fiume

Twenty itineraries among the confluences of the river Po

From Racconigi to Verrua Savoia across Turin: twenty easy itineraries, by bike or on foot, along the river Po, between nature and landscapes, history and art, to discover the territory of the river Po, north-west confluences
This guidebook is an invitation to explore the territory of the tourist area "Po Confluenze Nord Ovest", born around the river Po and its hills in the Province of Turin. In 1990, this area has become a conservation project of Regione Piemonte with Po Torinese Park and the protected areas of the hills: Bosco del Vaj and Collina di Superga Park.
  • Series: Natural-Iter
  • Author/s: Stefano Camanni, Ippolito Ostellino
  • Publisher: Neos Edizioni
  • ISBN: 978-88-95899-52-7
  • Pages: 96
  • Size: 20x12cm
  • Year: 2010
  • Price: 13.00 €  
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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