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Pian Gambino Trail

Theme of the trail: coppice chestnut grove with English oak, hornbeam, and maple

On foot         Great Interest: Flora 
  • Departure: Basilica di Superga
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Length: 2.5 km
  • Difference in height: 165m

From the square of the Basilica, take the steep ridge trail parallel to Strada Montanino until you reach a crossroads. Turning left, continue for a long stretch across the oak woods of Bosco della Comunità of San Mauro Go downhill on the right on a stretch developing along the ridge and take on the left an easy trail gently going downhill up to loc. Pian Gambino, where it is possible to take the rack tramway to reach an intermediate stop, both if you want to reach the Basilica and to go downhill towards Turin.
At Pian Gambino, on a limited surface area, it is possible to see the main woodland formations of the hill: the chestnut grove dominated by coppice formations, in which each stump feeds more trunks, called "polloni", the English oak formation, and the locust tree colonizing the square under the SC road of Superga.

Pian Gambino Trail
Pian Gambino Trail
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
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