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In the woods of Superga west side

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Religion Great Interest: Hystory Great Interest: Photography 
  • Departure: località Sassi (Torino) (225m)
  • Arrival: località Superga (Torino) (670m)
  • Duration: 1.50h
  • Length: 4,3 km (outward)
  • Difference in height: 445m

The point of departure is Piazza Modena, in Turin's Sassi neighbourhood, in front of the tramway station. The first stretch is along the Superga municipal road, where traffic is heavy. Shortly after the beginning of the uphill stretch, an interesting detour on via Ferdinando Bocca leads to the old parish church of Sassi. The building, which has been deconsecrated and restored for community purposes, is in a panoramic spot with a nice view of Turin. Then go back to Strada Superga, which rises steeply and winds around the fences of numerous villas; one of the most important of this stretch is Villa Nasi-Camerana, right on the ridge, to the right of the road. On the slope opposite, to the left of the road, "Il Tron" - another interesting XVI-XVII century building - can be seen in the distance.

In the woods of Superga west side
In the woods of Superga west side
(photo by: Aree protette Po Piemontese)
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