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Piemonte or Pancalieri Piemonte Peppermint Essential Oil

Raw peppermint essential oil is obtained from the distillation of the green plants coming from the cultivation of the Black Mint, corresponding to the botanical species Mentha Piperita Luds, variety Officinalis sole, species Rubenscens Camus, known as Mitcham Mint (a town in Surrey, England), from the English town where it began to be cultivated.
The essential oil is clear, colorless or straw-yellow, and very fluid. It has a strong and penetrating mint aroma, a peppery taste, and leaves in the mouth a sensation of coolness with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
Pancalieri Peppermint Essential Oil can be used in the liquor, confectionery, and pharmaceutical industries.
Società Cooperativa agricola a.r.l. Erbe Aromatiche has presented a demand to obtain the PDO label for Pancalieri Peppermint Essential Oil.

  • Production Area: The areas along Po river and its tributaries (Pellice, Varaita, Maira) between Carignano and Villafranca Piemonte, with center in Pancalieri (TO), including Municipalities of the Provinces of Torino and Cuneo.

  • Legislative Protection: Pancalieri Piemonte Peppermint Essential Oil is classified among the "Traditional Agri-foodstuffs of Regione Piemonte", according to art. 8 of the Legislative Decree 30th April 1998, n. 173 and the Annex to the Decisions of the Regional Council 15th April 2002 n. 46-5823.

Piemonte or Pancalieri Piemonte Peppermint Essential Oil
Piemonte or Pancalieri Piemonte Peppermint Essential Oil
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
Alembics in Pancalieri to extract peppermint essential oil
Alembics in Pancalieri to extract peppermint essential oil
(photo by: Aree protette Po Torinese)
Pancalieri peppermint
Pancalieri peppermint
(photo by: Gianni Abbona)
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