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Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante or Caluso Spumante

Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante is a sparkling wine with the following features:

Vine: Erbaluce. Color: pale straw-yellow. Light and evanescent froth. Fine and persistent perlage. Limpidity: bright. Scent: delicate, characteristic. Taste: dry, cool, fruity, characteristic. Serve at 8-10°. Minimum alcohol content: 11.5%. No fixed minimum ageing; to consume young. Match: perfect with desserts.

Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante D.O.C. is produced with a classical method and fermentation in bottle for at least 3 years.

  • Production Area: Caluso spumante is produced with grapes cultivated in a specific wine-growing area between Canavese, Biellese, and Vercellese. Among the Municipalities of Po Torinese Park there are Mazzè and Villareggia.

  • Legislative Protection: Erbaluce di Caluso passito is a DOC wine (Controlled Designation of Origin).

Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
(photo by: Andrea Miola)
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
(photo by: Andrea Miola)
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
(photo by: Andrea Miola)
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante
(photo by: Andrea Miola)
Erbaluce Vineyard
Erbaluce Vineyard
(photo by: Andrea Miola)
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