Vaj, il bosco dei bambini
Primary School
Vaj woodland is a very rewarding experience for our pupils, offering
them interesting tours, several scientific observations, and, above
all, outdoor experiences characterized by great respect and love for
the environment. The idea of a book dedicated to our woodland was born
from two wishes: the wish to thank the Park and the wish to document
the rich experience of the pupils, not to forget the most significant
moments experienced by our school.
- Edited by: Alunni e insegnanti della Scuola Primaria "Mario Vogliotti" di Castagneto Po, a.s. 2004/2005
- Publisher: Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette della Collina Torinese
- Pages: 120
- Size: 24x16.5cm
- Year: 2006
- Price: 9.00 €