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Il Po dalla sorgente al delta

Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Venetia

The river Po, its history, its lands
This is what this guidebook is about, introduced by short issues and "crossed" by 33 itineraries from the spring to the Delta. To walk discovering and respecting nature, to carry out tours by bike, with the possibility of a return journey by train. Discovering the history of landscapes shaped by the slow but non-stop flowing of waters, but also by men, who have shaped the countryside near the banks, creating settlements - towns, villages, farmsteads, and castles - that still today represent an evidence of the efforts and the love for this river that has always inspired great film directors.
Each itinerary is completed by the map of the trail and information regarding its specific features, color photos, and drawings of the animal and vegetable species characteristic of the area.
  • Publisher: Touring Club Italiano
  • ISBN: 88-365-3809-6
  • Pages: 176
  • Size: 12x22.5cm
  • Year: 2008
  • Price: 12.00 €  

Notes: With tourist map 1:200.000 attached.

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