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Fiumi di Storia - Itinerari lungo il Po fra culture e architetture

Dal barocco di Carignano alla Rocca di Verrua Savoia, dal Castello del Valentino alla città romana di Industria

A collection of itineraries in the mark "Po confluenze nord ovest" to discover the historical testimonies of the ancient relationship between man and river.
After the itineraries of the guide "Intorno al Fiume", which led readers to the discovering of nature and of the landscapes of the mark "Po confluenze nord ovest", this new publication leads us through the testimonies from different ages, among the places and the architectures overlooking the water.
They are signs of the relationship between man and river, from the first Neolithic populations to the present days: today this relationship is more and more technological, but not always careful of environment's balances. A journey to memory which shows us many places of religious, civil or agricultural interest: abbeys, churches, waterworks, fortresses, Roman cities, castles, historic parks and contemporary architectures. 
  • Author/s: Stefano Camanni, Ippolito Ostellino
  • Publisher: Neos Edizioni
  • ISBN: 978-88-66080-06-0
  • Pages: 144
  • Size: 13x21 cm
  • Year: 2011
  • Price: 14.00 €  Special price 11.90 €
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