Il Po dei Laghi
The Po of the Lakes - Carmagnolese Area
- Involved Municipalities: Carignano, Carmagnola, Racconigi
This quiet plain where the river Po slowly runs is beautiful. The big river bends mark the plowed countryside. The spontaneous vegetation is scattered and grows next to the banks, with poplars, willows, acacia trees, elderberry bushes. Several roads cross it, but they are minor roads, in some cases dirt roads, often bordered with Populus pyramidalis, offering us unexpected meetings. Old but perfectly preserved watermills, for instance in borgo Cornalese in Villastellone, in Borgonuovo country hamlet in Osasio, or in Gallè area in Cambiano. The presence of several mills in the area is witnessed by the several place names including the words "mulini" or "molino".
Further information (Italian text)

Il Po dei Laghi