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Along the river Po from Vallere to Millefonti

Hiking, walking and cycling itinerary

On foot         Great Interest: Bird Watching Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Photography 
  • Departure: Cascina Le Vallere, corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri
  • Arrival: Cascina Le Vallere, corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Difficulty Level: flat itinerary half on asphalt and half on a dirt track
  • Length: 5 km

Itinerary theme: The Po banks

The itinerary links two of South Turin most recent and important urban parks: Le Vallere, in Moncalieri, and Parco Millefonti, in the neighbourhood of the same name. Their trait d'union is the left bank of the Po, where a trail for pedestrians and cyclists has been created, partly on asphalt and part on dirt road. The point of departure is Le Vallere Park (Corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri): from there, go east and reach the Po, then turn left (north). From this point on, always follow the river. After 1.5 km walk on the pedestrian bridge across the Sangone stream, and keep following the Po. The itinerary runs past the ITCILO international campus, where three UN organisations have their offices, and leads to the pedestrian bridge across the Po, which marks the beginning of Parco Millefonti.

The way back is along the same route.

Along the river Po from Vallere to Millefonti
Along the river Po from Vallere to Millefonti
(photo by: Andrea Miola)

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