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2nd National Meeting of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

It was held at the MaB Reserve of Monviso, in Saluzzo, from 18 to 21 September

( 27 September 2019 )

Last week, at the MaB UNESCO Reserve of Monviso, the 2nd National Meeting of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves was held, an event convened by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea and organized by the Body of the Monviso Protected Areas.

For further information:

Two MaB Reserves only in one photo: CollinaPo in Carignano and the Monviso on the left (Photo by Francesco Oriti Niosi)
Two MaB Reserves only in one photo: CollinaPo in Carignano and the Monviso on the left (Photo by Francesco Oriti Niosi)
Lac Foréant, Parc naturel du Queyras (Photo by Andrea Miola)
Lac Foréant, Parc naturel du Queyras (Photo by Andrea Miola)
Two MaB Reserves only in one photo: CollinaPo in Turin and the Monviso (Photo by A. Miola)
Two MaB Reserves only in one photo: CollinaPo in Turin and the Monviso (Photo by A. Miola)
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