The Park Horse Riding Trail - 2nd Stretch: Moncalieri - San Mauro Torinese
- Length: 15 km
- Localities Crossed: Moncalieri, Torino, San Mauro Torinese
Description of the route from Moncalieri Vallere to San Mauro (south-north direction)
Once you get out from Mela Cotogna manège in Vallere Park, in Moncalieri, turn right and cross the cycle-pedestrian footbridge over stream Sangone. Once crossed the footbridge, turn right and follow the river Po along its bank towards the north, towards Turin town center, using the cycle-pedestrian facilities that, passing under the bridges Balbis (Molinette) and Isabella, reach Valentino Park.
In Valentino Park, you cannot miss the Fountain of the Months and, a little farther, following the river, you can enter the Medieval Village from its southern entrance, and then get out of it from the northern entrance, with the drawbridge. Cross then Valentino Park until you reach Arco dell'Artiglieria.
Further information (Italian text)

On horseback
(photo by: Andrea Miola)